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Heathrow Short stay car park or drop off charges are not inclusive. The car park charge is £7,50 payable both ways by yourself. In case of additional parking requirements starting from the day of your return there is charge payable of £15 per day. If you fail to notify us 24 hours before the return date and time you will incur a £25 charge. All payments and surcharge fees must be settled prior to leaving the car park for your trip. Payments can be made by check, debit / credit card, or cash. Parking is at your own risk and subject to the terms and conditions of Trinagle Parking, so we ask that you don't keep any valuables in your car. Check your vehicle carefully at pickup and report any issues to driver and ensure these are logged before leaving.
🚗 Parking type Valet
🌤 Covered No
🕒 Opening hours: 04:00 - 00:00
🔑 Keep keys No
🔌 Electric charging car Yes
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Heathrow Airport
United Kingdom

Triangle Parking Heathrow Airport

Triangle Parking at Heathrow Airport provides an exceptional experience for travellers seeking Heathrow Airport Parking, characterized by superior service, punctuality, and security. 

Parking with Triangle Parking ensures your vehicle is securely stationed in an outdoor facility equipped with 24/7 CCTV, entry and exit barriers, bright lighting, and regular security patrols.

As a meet & greet service, travellers can drop off their car and walk directly to the terminals for a quick, seamless parking experience.

Important Information:

  • Heathrow Short Stay parking and drop-off charges are not included. A £7.50 fee applies each way and must be paid separately.
  • If additional parking is required beyond your return date, a £15 daily charge applies. 
  • All payments and surcharges must be settled before your departure. Accepted payment methods include cheque, debit/credit card, and cash.
  • Parking location: The Square, Stockley Park, Roundwood Avenue, Uxbridge UB11 1FW


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  • Always the best price
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The Parking Procedure at Triangle Parking 

The parking process at Triangle Parking Heathrow is straightforward, with specific instructions for each terminal. Keep reading to learn more about car handover procedures for departure and arrival.


➡️Upon Arrival

On the day of departure, please call Triangle Parking 30 minutes before arriving at the airport. All terminals are serviced, and you can find detailed directions to each terminal in your booking confirmation.

  • Terminal 2: TW6 1EW
  • Terminal 3: TW6 1QG
  • Terminal 4: TW6 3XA
  • Terminal 5: TW6 2GA

Upon arrival, take a photo of your mileage and validate your car park ticket (£7.50), which must be paid by you. The driver will guide you to the validation point.

If you are unsure or get lost, do not exit the car park. Instead, park safely and call the number on your booking confirmation for assistance.


⬅️Upon Return

Upon your return, please give Triangle Parking a call twice: once as soon as the plane lands, and again once you have collected your luggage. If you are travelling only with hand luggage, then please call the second time once you have exited passport control.

The driver will meet you at the designated meeting point per the terminal you are arriving from. There, you will be asked to fully inspect your own vehicle and compare your mileage. 

Once you have fully checked over your vehicle and ensured all is in order, the driver will hand over your keys and ticket. The ticket the driver hands you is a new ticket and needs to be validated by yourself.


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Reviews of Triangle Parking Heathrow Airport

To get an idea of ​​the car park's service, we recommend reading reviews from past customers. We publish all customer reviews for this purpose and encourage everyone to detail their experience. 

Have you used the Triangle Parking valet service? Please let us know what your experience was with the car park provider. 

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With Triangle Parking Heathrow Airport you're sure of
  • 24-Hour Surveillance
  • Cameras
  • Entry/Exit Barrier
  • Security Fencing
  • Security guard
  • Car Inspection
  • No Max. Clearance Height
  • Asphalt or Paving
  • Illuminated terrain
  • Electric Car Charging
  • Waiting Room
  • Toilet
  • Starting Aid
  • Car Wash
  • Open 24 hours
  • Keep Car Keys
  • Covered possible
  • Luggage Assistance
  • Oversized
  • Self-Parking

Security Measures at Triangle Parking

At Triangle Parking, your vehicle is under 24/7 CCTV surveillance and safeguarded by additional security measures, including regular patrols. Travel with peace of mind, knowing your car is well-protected.


Extra Services

At Triangle Parking, various services are available for an additional fee. Speak to the staff upon arrival to book the following: 

Customer Service

Do you have a question or an issue with your booking?

Safe and secure
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